How To Plant Faster
To plant much faster, all you have to do is trap your character in 12 hay bales 3 on each side. That should help a lot.
Breeding Horses
When breeding your horses, make sure that your stable has at least one stallion in it. When your horses that are out on the farm are at at least 33-34% ready to harvest place them in the stable one at a time; this will make your stable 100% ready to harvest. Harvest your stable, then leave that horse in the stable. If you have rare horses, such as appaloosa, blue pony, cream draft horse, or cream mini horse, etc. Put them in first and leave them in. That way when you put your standard gray and brown horse in the stable, the foals that you get out of it will have a chance of being one of the rare horse's foals. Continue placing horses in the stable until it is full. Once full, begin removing all but your rare horses to make room for more horses that are at the 34% ready status, so you will still have a chance at getting a rare foal from harvesting your stable.
To plant much faster, all you have to do is trap your character in 12 hay bales 3 on each side. That should help a lot.
When breeding your horses, make sure that your stable has at least one stallion in it. When your horses that are out on the farm are at at least 33-34% ready to harvest place them in the stable one at a time; this will make your stable 100% ready to harvest. Harvest your stable, then leave that horse in the stable. If you have rare horses, such as appaloosa, blue pony, cream draft horse, or cream mini horse, etc. Put them in first and leave them in. That way when you put your standard gray and brown horse in the stable, the foals that you get out of it will have a chance of being one of the rare horse's foals. Continue placing horses in the stable until it is full. Once full, begin removing all but your rare horses to make room for more horses that are at the 34% ready status, so you will still have a chance at getting a rare foal from harvesting your stable.